Roberto & Joop
Roberto & Joop

BOCCABACIO is a life, it's a style, it's an experience.

BOCCABACIO is Roberto Dresia and Joop Gard Passchier

The roots of BOCCABACIO is an inspiration of the base.

Bocca means in Italian"mouth", and Bacio means in Italian "kiss".

speak it out loud and fast like: "bokkabatsjio"

Love is, in the whole world, sealed with a kiss.

Roberto and Joop have an inmens love for style, and original beauty. Life has given all those ingredients to all of us.

            Roberto Dresia, is a make up artist, beauty expert, well known, and fame all around the globe. His career kicked off in 1994 with "De 5 uurshow" with Viola Holt. He was the FIRST make up artist on Television. 

He is a well known make up artist for famous television personalities and in the fashion- and music industry. Roberto is the most passionated and all-round make up artist. His knowledge about make up brands and products is unlimited. Productions with "The threedegrees or DJ Hardwell, its all done!

Roberto is a lecturer for make up brands. Recognized by the institution CRKBO.                                    

         Joop Gard Passchier made his fame in the 80ties (check the Locomia page) in the South of Europe with the Spanish boyband "Loco Mia", He was co-founder of the band. 

                                 In the 80ties GARD was already producing Fashion Shows in IBIZA.  In the 90ties, he wrote 11 songs and recorded his own album in Italy. In Miami Beach(FL.) he was one of the ownwers of a trendy clothing store. 

In 2024, a MOVIE is been made in Spain, about the life of the group LOCOMIA, 

In 2025 it will be on NETFLIX worldwide!..................."DISCO IBIZA LOCOMIA"

BOCCABACIO is the world of, make up, hair, runwaymodels, fashion, culture, music, styling, design, and merchandise.

Joop Gard is setdresser/stylist "out of the box". All is possible, provided that it satisfies the standards of Joop Gard. He is a great coördinator & director for shows and events, in the most creative way. Also Joop is a designer of clothing (see fashion page) for own style people.

Also with a social added value BOCCABACIO tries to make the world a little bit better.

"BOCCABACIO, is a small company, where Roberto and Joop are melting there creative worlds together as one."

So we say: "We will create your movement in beauty"!

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